
Upcoming Art Exhibit: A Beautiful Mind

Art Exhibit: July 6th, 2024, 6:00 – 8:00 pm EST
The Nest Coworking Space – 476 Riverside Ave., Jacksonville, FL 32202

June 23rd, 2024
11:59pm EST
Deadline for submissionsSubmit your artwork to be displayed in the gallery
June 26thArtist NotificationArtists are notified of their artwork’s acceptance
June 29th, 2024
12:00 – 2:00 pm EST
Drop offDrop off artwork to the gallery location
A Sense of Place exhibit Pick Up
July 6th, 2024
6:00 – 8:00 pm EST
ReceptionThe gallery is open to the public!
August 31st, 2024
12:00 – 2:00 pm EST
Pick upPick up the artwork from the gallery

Art Gallery Schedule 2024

The following is a list of art exhibits and art exhibit themes for this year. Our art gallery themes change monthly, and all are held at the address below.
The Nest Coworking Space – 476 Riverside Ave., Jacksonville, FL 32202

JanuaryMix It Up
Mixed media
Black History Month
MarchMember’s Only
Anniversary show
View our members list
AprilGraduate shows
Exhibit space for MFA or BFA solo exhibits)
MayA Sense of Space
Landscape and travel
JuneThe Art of Inclusion
Pride month
JulyA Beautiful Mind
Mental health
Self portraits
Inspired by books and poetry
Masks, face coverings, and the hidden self
NovemberMemento Mori
Still life
DecemberDrawing with Light

Would you like more information?

We encourage and welcome all artists, regardless of background, ethnicity, gender, race, or sexual orientation to participate in our art exhibits and events by displaying their artwork or volunteering. We promise to never discriminate against artists and people of any kind. If you have any questions regarding our events, art galleries, or about our mission to empower women artists, please reach out to us.